
Press Release
Director of NEDA signed ROD granting TA to Lao National Railway State Enterprise.
By: NEDA Admin
  • 473 View
  • 31 October 2023

              Mr. Perames Vudthitornetiraks, President of Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (Public Organization) (NEDA) signed a Record of Discussion (ROD) for Technical Assistance: TA to the Lao National Railway (LNR) State Enterprise to prepare for the train to Vientiane Station (Khamsawat). There is development of LNR's personnel in training train drivers and other related personnel, both theoretical and practical, in order to be able to operate the train linking Laos-Thailand efficiently and create a business model of LNR to strengthen the potential of doing business and use it as a guideline for long-term sustainable commercial management, LNR can continue to operate on its own. The signing was witnessed by the Prime Ministers of Thailand and Lao PDR on 30 October 2023 at the Prime Minister's Office, Vientiane, Lao PDR.