(as stipulated in Section 7 of the Royal Decree) are as follows:
1Provide neighbouring countries and other countries with financial and technical assistance.
2Cooperate with neighbouring countries in economic development.
3Conduct studies and provide recommendations on cooperation policies and measures.
4Coordinate with concerned organizations to integrate cooperation.

1Have ownership and rights to possess and acquire property.
2Initiate rights or perform juristic acts.
3Offer grants and soft loans to facilitate operations based on the office objectives (according to the criteria, methods and terms stipulated by the Board).
4Borrow money (according to the criteria set by the Cabinet) or raise funds (according to the criteria, methods and terms stipulated by the Board).
5Take part in joint ventures with individuals or other juristic persons in activities related to the office objectives (according to the criteria stipulated by the Cabinet).
6Act as a representative or broker, or assign or hire individuals or juristic persons to operate businesses according to the office objectives.
7Enter into agreements and cooperate with government agencies, organizations or agencies both inside and outside the country, and the private sector in businesses related to the office objectives.
8Collect charges, fees, service charges or other payment for business operation.
9Establish and give funds to support office operations, and take other necessary actions in order to achieve the office goals.