
Press Release
NEDA is in cooperation to push forward ASEAN Single Window (ASW) operation
By: ธนะ มงคลโภชน์
  • 2205 View
  • 1 March 2019

Senior Colonel Saranyu Viriyavejakul, D.Sc., Vice President and Ms. Dariwan
Prempoomwate, Project Operation and Management Bureau II Director, two representatives
from Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (Public Organization):
NEDA, along with the representative from The Customs Department of Thailand, joined a
conference and met with Mr. Kyaw Htin, Director General, The Customs Department of The
Republic of the Union of Myanmar to move the operation of ASEAN Single Window (ASW)
forward. The conference aimed to link data on electronic certificates of origin under ASEAN
Trade in Goods Agreement: ATIGA e-Form D using ASW. Additionally, system development and
solutions to operational obstacles were also discussed. Thailand was prepared to provide
technical and financial support as a President of the ASEAN Summit this year in Yangon, The
Republic of the Union of Myanmar on 1 st March 2019.