
Press Release
The Meeting to Consider the Opinions about the Details of Designing the Road Number 68 Improvement Project in Cambodia
By: NEDA Admin
  • 343 View
  • 27 December 2023

         Colonel (Ret.) Saranyu Viriyavejakul, D.Sc., Vice President of the Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA), the chairperson of the supplies acceptance committees, participated in the meeting to consider the opinions and suggestions about the construction design and control contractor’s report for designing the details of the Road Number 68 improvement project in Chong Jom/Osamed-Samrong-Kralanh in the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as presented the inception report to the representatives of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) on 19th December 2023 in Siem Reap, the Kingdom of Cambodia.